Can the Proper MUSIC help you succeed at Hold’em Poker?


Posted by Anabel | Posted in Poker | Posted on 05-08-2013

[ English ]

How quite a few times have you seen a poker pro encounter a bad beat and instantly place the earphones of their MP3 or IPod Gambler on?

Dozens, hundreds, maybe even a lot more?

Should you believe they’re listening to AC DC, Big !.! Rich, Lynard Skynard, or the Steve Miller Band, you would be wrong. They are listening to psychologically congruent music that has been established at a major University to improve their concentration poker casino game.

This is possibly the 1 secret that the professionals hope amateurs gamblers don’t discover. They’d much prefer you listen to the popular music of right now, that has been established to have an adverse effect on your concentration and your poker game.

Listen, I understand that this sounds to excellent to be true, put I unintentionally got my hands on a track of this music when I stumbled on a web site referred to as I believe the U. is short for University.

I cannot start to express the distinction tuning in to this music has impacted my game, both offline and on the internet. What kind of music is it? It truly is beyond description. It is like a combination of dance and chamber music.

Anyhow, pay attention to this. I foresee that in the potential you will see extra and extra research and details on this subject, even though the professionals are attempting to keep this secret for their self.

No matter what you do, don’t bet on the well-liked music of these days when playing Texas holdem or any Poker game on the net or in the real world. Steer clear of this enticement. Regardless of what you feel, this music is not helping your game.

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